
Webinars &

Learning Lunches

We regularly share our expertise with the voluntary sector through learning events including webinars and Learning Lunches. Click images to watch a previously recorded webinars.

A series of webinars delivered by MHA Larking Gowen focusing on risk and resilience, helping us to move forward.

Ashtons HR consulting took us through some key points in early stages of furlough.

Studio BrandUp takes us through some key points in raising awareness of your cause vital for all your audiences.

Lorna Rose Training helped us to understand the potential of MS teams and live events

How do we make our strategy work in these challenging and demanding times, Elizabeth Pearce guides us through.

Lorna Rose training looked at some key platforms for getting online and delivering our services virtually

Learning Lunches

Our Learning Lunches are lunchtime seminars in some special venues across Suffolk with speakers from Suffolk ProHelp sharing their expertise to help tackle specific topics affecting voluntary and community groups. The venues provide rooms for free, our speakers give their time and expertise for free. Organisations just pay for lunch.

Yellobelly Brand Design and Communication - Top Tips in PR

In September 2018 we hosted our first Learning Lunch with Yellobelly Brand Design and Communications leading a seminar on top tips in PR

MHA Larking Gowen - Financial Resilience

In October 2018 we led our second Learning Lunch with Giles Kerkham from MHA Larking Gowen exploring financial resilience.

Ashtons HR Consulting - Employing staff for the first time

in November 2018 Ashtons Legal hosted our third Learning Lunch with a focus on Ashtons HR Consulting exploring the theme of employing staff for the first time

Ashtons HR Consulting- Handling grievances

Ashtons hosted us again at their offices in Bury St Edmunds to explore issues around handling grievances

Barker Gotelee - Charitable Incorporation

In July 2019 Liz Gifford from Barker Gotelee led a session on Charitable Incorporation, one of the frequent requests for Suffolk ProHelp

MHA Larking Gowen - Effective financial decision making

Giles Kerkham returned again in July 2019 to deliver a Learning Lunch on effective financial decision making in charities.

Conatus Associates - Strategic Planning

Kevin Ward from Conatus Associaties presented our Learning Lunch in November 2019 on Strategic Planning

Birketts - Leases

We frequently get asked about leases at Suffolk ProHelp, so Birketts kindly hosted and presented a Learning Lunch to explore this issue in February 2020

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